Crawling with the literati at APRIL’s Seattle LitCrawl
Our own new/hipness/literati/ice cream/microbrew diva, Sarah Anne Lloyd, crawled around with the literate folks at Seattle’s APRIL LitCrawl and almost forgot to tell us about it. Nevertheless, I wrested her photos from her as Bill and Ted would say “most heinously” so that you could enjoy them.
Straight from the Can: Tin Can Studio serves up food for the soul and then some
In keeping with her art’s humble origins, Hayes and her husband Michael White Hayes drew their new art space’s moniker from a similar pool. “We were very deliberate about choosing the name Tin Can Studio. A tin can is a simple, common thing but it’s a very useful invention,” says Hayes. “It revolutionized the way people feed themselves. Tin Can Studio is like that tin can because art feeds people’s souls.”
The Working Artist: Spotlight on the Cabiri – Behind the Scenes
Many people watch pseudo-documentary work such as Behind the Music with the Latest Lame Boy Band and the like. But even those quasi-real glimpses at the artist’s life reek of antiseptic. Yes, they occasionally contain elements of soap opera and other things to please the mostly hypnotized viewers of “reality” television but they rarely touch on what artists actually do.
An Interview with the Solo Performance Festival’s Keira McDonald
The Star’s José Amador sits down to talk with Keira McDonald, the Solo Performance Festival founder and curator, about her role within the festival and in guiding new artists through the creative process; as well as what lies beneath her decision to leave her leadership role after six years at the helm.
ECCC: A Con with No Character
I’ve been hearing from many creators that the Emerald City Comic Convention is one of the last good “comic” conventions to grace the Pacific Northwest, that it still had “character.” On this, the 10th Annual ECCC, the only real characters flitting about were fictional: two designated convention superheroes, Emerald City Crusader and Crusaderette. If those names were any indication of how unique and how filled with character this “comic” convention was supposed to be, Seattle is in a world of hurt.
Project Top Hat
Courtesy of the lovely Julie Hoverson, we present to you an original script from her audio drama series, 19 Nocturne Boulevard . This episode, “Project Top Hat,” was originally podcast on January 2, 2012. For more information on the series, check out Julie’s own website at
The Show Must Go On, Part 2: The Story We Tell Ourselves
I’ve signed up to do a storytelling show, though I’m not a natural storyteller. I pitched my story because being in a show sounds like fun. Because oral storytelling is a skill that I want to learn as a writer. Because I used to be a theater kid. And because as much as being in front of an audience terrifies me, I still love to perform. Then, predictably, stage fright sets in.
Keeping the Star Shining: Tip The Web
In case you’re wondering how it is we intend to keep the Star’s engine running, here is some information regarding the not-for-profit service we are using to help grease the skids.
Arrangements in Air: Navigating the World of Audio Drama
With the decline of radio and the rise of the Internet most audio drama has moved to a base not in broadcast but rather in podcast. New problems have arisen but two are especially notable. The first is an old problem in a new context: “How do I find all this stuff?” The second is a problem that arises from solving the first.
An Affair
It is as if she knew what he was thinking before he thought it; electrons are fast but not that fast. He checks the timestamps. Her reply is timestamped earlier than his original message by two minutes. The only logical explanation he can think of is she is in a slightly different time at school, that his time at home is warped and school is always two minutes ahead of home…

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