The Seattle Community Network Revives Their Commitment to the Future
It’s 1993. Unless you are locked regularly in the basements of university computer science departments, you have never heard of the World Wide Web. If you have a computer at all, your computer runs at a maximum of 100 mHz and may have 4MB of memory, unless you can spare an extra thousand dollars in which case you may have 8MB–if your computer can actually accept it, since upgrades are impossible in many models.
From the publisher
I aim with The Seattle Star to use my pages to help rebuild our community, to use our knowledge and our limited power to bring artists together and to bring people together with artists. So far we have done this quietly, by publishing poetry, drama, radio plays and fiction alongside our essay writing. We will continue to do so, but rest assured we will expand this mission visibly over the next year.
A Few Clumsy Words about Jeffrey Brown
When I first moved to Boston from Seattle in my early twenties, I was filled with confusion, excitement, and the terrifying thought that I had no idea what I was doing when it came to relationships, jobs and the other mysterious workings of the world. Around that time my good friend Laura introduced me to Brown’s first graphic novel, Clumsy. In his book, Brown so realistically painted a portrait of young love–in all of its awkwardness, earnestness and blind idealism–that it all felt immediately familiar.
Bring on the summer beer fests: Washington Brewer’s Festival Father’s Day weekend
I’ll be honest with you. I’ve never been to the Washington Brewer’s Festival. The reasons being it was in a terrible location (previously, the festival was held in Kenmore) on a weekend that I’d rather be camping. But this year, I’m making an exception. And by the looks of things, it’s an exception I’ll be making for years to come.
The Show Must Go On #7: A Deep and Generous Listening
You can take a girl out of academia, but you can’t quite take the academia out of the girl. So I’ve been reflecting on what I’ve learned from this storytelling show process so far. And I know there will be more after the show itself.
Study for Righteousness
One angel holds my feet
while the other two each
a hand and touch my head
Exit Interview: Teri Lazzara, Theater Schmeater’s Managing Director, is heading for the wings
Once referred to as “Fringe’s Patron Saint,” Teri Lazzara has been one of the most enduring (if not endearing) figures in the Seattle Fringe community for longer than even she’d like to admit, lending her acting, producing, directing and management talents to some of its finer moments.
Affair Begins
She waits outside the door. Or inside the door. Not in the door. I am in the bathroom. She is in the room. I just used the bathroom. She presumably did not just use the room. Besides her, there is also a bed in the room and maybe a few odds and ends and four corners which she is not using because she used the bathroom just before me when I was in the room listening to her use the bathroom instead of seeing the room. Then we switched. Here I am.
Can One Really Improvise a Mind Meld? Where No Man Has Gone Before Answers Your Questions
Where No Man Has Gone Before is an improvised parody of the original Star Trek TV series. Each night the cast will use suggestions from the audience to create the world and plot of the show. If you saw the last run of this show back in the fall at the Odd Duck Theater on Capitol Hill, you’re in for some changes this time around.
SIFF Review: Rebellion (L’Ordre et la Morale); dir. Mathieu Kassovitz (France, 2011)
There are a couple of more opportunities to catch Rebellion during this year’s SIFF; joining the Star family, Everett Rummage weighs in on this imperfect hybrid of Hollywood-style action movie and political docudrama from France.
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