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Radio Drama: Beyond Nostalgia and Nerddom

Just as everything bad about Hollywood was bad about Broadway before it, everything bad about television was bad about radio. Virtually every generic trope of television stems from American broadcast having its roots in radio. But where television has run these genres into the ground, it has at least attempted variations on the themes. By comparison, contemporary audio drama is positively hidebound.

Essays History Literature

Interleavings: Serendipity and the Auto/Biographical Process

Biographical and autobiographical writing entwine. Why did I choose to write about a woman I never met and had no ties to—except for my interest in Jewish women’s history and the field of Psychoanalysis? Immediately the writer’s self is injected into the story. Sometimes Dr. Buxbaum turns up in my dreams, and in the morning I have to sort out the dream so it won’t get mixed up with biography.