Mother for you I made this: The Art of Changing How We Talk About Mental Disorders
Ezra Dickinson explores the touchstone issue of mental health in his latest dance work.
Young Jean Lee’s Untitled Feminism
Some thoughts about Young Jean Lee’s UNTITLED FEMINIST SHOW at On the Boards.
Wonder Women! The Untold Story of American Superheroines: Some Impressions
A personal rumination on the movie and its relation to geek culture.
The Ghastly Impermanence: An Interview with Katie Hims
An interview with award-winning radio playwright Katie Hims.
Affair Begins Again and Begins to End as Part Two Begins
The latest fiction from Nick Stokes.
ESP-Disk Reissue: Marzette Watts and Company
Andrew Hamlin raps about the legendary Marzette Watts ESP-Disk release.
“History is the Thing that hurts”: In Memoriam Herbert Blau
Herbert Blau died on his birthday last week. This is tribute to a man who was my idol, my mentor, and, finally but most importantly, my friend.
Smoked: A gritty, affectionate Café Nordo tribute to the western
Tom Mohrman reviews Café Nordo’s latest mélange of food and theater.

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