On Being Mixed: Snapshots from a Nikkei-Filipina Album
Of mixed-ness and mixed-upness: Tamiko Nimura talks about her experience of dual heritage.
Archive in a Wall Cavity, Part 3
Peter Monaghan finds a cultural history of Seattle in the movie listings, culled from his old wall insulation. Part 3 of 3.
Archive in a Wall Cavity, Part 2
Peter Monaghan finds a cultural history of Seattle in the movie listings discovered in his wall insulation.
Archive in a Wall Cavity, Part 1
Peter Monaghan finds a cultural history of Seattle in the movie listings culled from his old wall insulation. Part 1 of 3.
Shrinking World Music
Omar Willey watches his world shrink through music, and his world music shrinking.
Sunday Comics
Sunday comics for Halloween week 27 Oct 2013.
In Pursuit of the Pursuing: The Cabiri bring their Ghost Game back to its origins
The Cabiri return to the roots of their wintry Ghost Game series, with brilliant results.

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