Sunday Comics
Long time since there’s been trouble
That’s what the Sunday Comix say
I told the new man when I
Sold the farm today
The Ghastly Impermanence: Radio Silence, Observe
Omar Willey resumes his thoughts on radio drama.
Sunday Comics
It’s never easy to run on a desert
But nothing in this world has right to bring you down
No matter where you go, what you do Sunday Comics be on your side
Promise me that you’ll do the same
Authentically, Intentionally, Energy-Cognizant, and No Bullshit: Eric Reed Plays the Song of Himself
Andrew Hamlin talks to pianist Eric Reed about being a queer son of a preacher man jazz cat.
Encounters with Anonymous: Heterodoxy
Omar Willey travels to a time of cigarettes and bloomers.
Sunday Comics
Seeding the night at the eagle’s parlor,
a flash permabrand, flip for the dollar,
caress surreal, a heart and flying skull
lettered “Sunday Comics” pass quickly
My Great Fight
Mary Lou Sanelli ruminates on the return of the American theocracy.

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