Shining Beyond the Barriers: An Interview with BLACK DIAMOND
An interview with the J-pop group, BLACK DIAMOND.
Sunday Comics
Long ago, in the Russian hills,
A Victorian explorer found
The Sunday Comics by a marsh
He captured them and brought them home.
Sequential creature stirs, seeking revenge…
Sunday Comics
Catch, catch I’m a spider
A god — a god in the clouds
I’ll find you Sunday Comics
Look at me now
69 Things to Do with a Dead Ex-Boyfriend
Fiction by Peazy and Stu González.
Blue Room, is a Hoopy Frood’s Room: Zev Feldman on the Ineluctable Efficacy of Chet Baker
Andrew Hamlin talks with the producer of this recently unearthed recording of the great Chet Baker.
Sunday Comics
Yer bitsy little thoughts don’t even faze
My basic policy to bomb smarter
My Sunday Comics crush Carter
With Bay of Pigs tactics makin’ young men into martyrs
The Ghastly Impermanence: Thick Description — The Last High King of Ireland
Thoughts on language, and the bad advice of teachers. Omar Willey listens.

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