Sunday Comics
Look in the mirror of my mind
Turning the pages of my life
Walking the path so many paced a million times
Drown out the voices in the air
Leaving the ones that never cared
Picking the Sunday Comics up and building to the sky
Breaking a promise to the Jade Buddha, Shanghai
Poetry by Nathaniel Cairney.
Sunday Comics
Grisly smiles that don’t flake off
Corny colored demons leering
Sunday Comics — sucking the skin
Four Postcards to Henry Miller, Who Accused Me of Being Insane After Having Seen a Photo of Me Sitting Alone on a Bench During a Paris Winter
Poetry by Nathaniel Cairney.
Sunday Comics
Don’t think I fit in at this party
Everyone’s got so much to say
I always feel like I’m nobody, mmm
Who wants to fit in anyway?
‘Cause I don’t care when I’m with my Sunday Comix, yeah
All the bad things disappear
A Soft Carpel from Which it Sips
Poetry by Patrick Bruskiewich.
Sunday Comics
Destroy the spineless
Sundays it’s real
Wasting their last chance
To come away
Just read the Comix
’cause I’m drifting away
Away from you

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