And World’s Memory Moves, Part One
First in a series from the poetry chapbook by Vlad Neagoe.
Sunday Comics
Electric lights
Blow my mind
I feel alright
Never stop, it’s how we ride
Sunday Comics until we die
Epigrams in Mist 36-40
Poetry on the concrete side, by Christopher Barnes.
Sunday Comics
Comix no go go, unless you tell am to go
Comix no go stop, unless you tell am to stop
Comix no go turn, unless you tell am to turn
Comix no go think, unless you tell am to think
Sunday Comics
Dann piept das Handy, SMS vom Boss, sie will ein Angebot, ich tippe bloß
an Sunday Comics, was Andres mach ich heute nicht, nein, nein, nein
Sunday Comics
Always in focus, you can’t feel my stare.
I zoom into you but you don’t know I’m there.
I take a pride in probing all your secret moves
The Sunday Comics have the pictures that can prove

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