Mining the New Gold: James Coupe and Juan Pampin’s Sanctum
“In an era of status updates, tweets, and check-ins, the geography of public, shared spaces needs to be reconsidered, along with our expectations of privacy in them,” say artists James Coupe and Juan Pampin. Eve Green explores Coupe & Pampin’s Sanctum at the Henry.
Wonder Women! The Untold Story of American Superheroines: Some Impressions
A personal rumination on the movie and its relation to geek culture.
Seattle Photographer Detained by Homeland Security
Homeland Security detain a photographer at 1st & Cherry, apparently for photographing the Federal Building.
Sobel v. Eggleston: Color Me Amused
Collector Jonathan Sobel appreciates William Eggleston’s photographs. He must: he owns at least one hundred ninety of Eggleston’s prints. So it came as a bit of surprise when Mr. Sobel decided to sue Mr. Eggleston and his trust last year.
Moedars Obscure Dixieland Jazz Reference
Martijn Moedars gets jazzy in this comix work.
Vamos a la Playa
Comix from The Netherlands’ bent genius, Martijn Moedars.
A.D. Coleman’s Light Readings: Criticism as an Ethical Practice
I believe critics have an ethical duty not merely to their readers but also to the art itself. It is their sworn duty to illuminate rather than obfuscate. It is also their sworn duty to protect their art from political and social chicanery. That I believe any of this stems largely from my intellectual encounters with A.D. Coleman over the years.
A Museum of Art Stamps Opens on the Shore of Lake Union
As of Sunday 11 November 2012, Seattle boasts one of the U.S.A.’s two museums of artist stamps (artistamps). The inaugural MOA exhibition includes work by dozens of artists—two cabinets full of stamps, framed pieces, easel folios, and posters which Dogfish of Tui Tui has amassed over the last four decades.
Things I Did Not Write About in 2012, Part 2
Some things deserve further consideration–perhaps better consideration than mine. Writing about them after the fact may allow someone to set the record straight on things unjustly neglected or inaccurately appraised. Here is another handful of things I did not write about in 2012.

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