Stokley Towles and Kehinde Wiley: Re-contextualizing the Mundane and the Oppressed
Nathan Vass on two artists, Stokley Towles and Kehinde Wiley, who take seemingly mundane subjects and put them through the filter of an artistic disciple in order to either expose us to oft-ignored realms or correct past oversights.
Sunday Comics
We’ll stand guard and keep the wolves away/Watch the fire while you dream away/Earned a rest, I know you worked all day/Everybody needs the Comics on Sunday
Sunday Comics
Wish it were Sunday, that’s my fun day/My I don’t have to run day/Plus another Sunday Comics
Sunday Comics
Sunday Comics is brought to you this week by the numbers 10, 40 and the letters E and Z.
Sunday Comics
Look at you with your mouth watering, look at you with your mind spinning, why don’t you just admit it’s all over? It’s the Sunday Comics you want!
Sunday Comics
Blossom, protector and the leader; Bubbles, she is the joy and the laughter; Buttercup, she is the toughest fighter; Sunday Comics save the day!
Sunday Comics
We are flowers growing in god’s garden, and he just likes spreading the Sunday Comics around.
Sunday Comics
Gonna buy me a condo, never have to mow the lawn! Gonna get me the t-shirt with the Sunday Comics on.
Sunday Comics
Our comics are grown in the sun dappled fertile soil of Columbia, where farmers like Juan Valdez hand select the beans when the time is right, guaranteeing the rich taste you experience weekly in our Sunday Comics.
Sunday Comics
I turn on my hearing aid/Don’t say/the Sunday Comics aren’t good enough/For king lazybones like myself/Because, Because
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