Sunday Comics
You, the people of the United States, did you form a perfect union?/Establish justice, ensure tranquility, secure the blessings of Liberty to yourselves and your posterity?/How blind can you get for your country, right or wrong? — “America,” Laibach
Encounters with Anonymous: Humpty Dumpty’s Glory
What is a photograph about? Omar Willey writes.
Sunday Comics
An XL entry connoting the 200th edition of the Sunday Comics, our weekly collection of art and humor from Around the World and the Creative Commons market.
Encounters with Anonymous: The Leaning Child
Omar Willey returns with a piece on photography and the problem of uncritical inferences.
Sunday Comics
It’s so deep, it’s so wide, you’re inside synchronicity/Effect without a cause, subatomic laws, Sunday Comics y’all, synchronicity!
Encounters with Anonymous: A New Feature about Photography
A new column on looking at anonymous photographs, from our publisher dude.
Sunday Comics
Sunday Comics from morning ’til night/Dance low, pat, and I’m feeling all right.
Sunday Comics
Back from the shadows again, back to where an Indian’s your friend/Where Sunday Comics are seen, and you can pee right into the stream/We’re back from the shadows again
Photographer Sued for Allowing Viewers to Vote for Their Favorite Photo
Ruth Taylor never expected that her hobby would get her sued for patent infringement. Daniel Nazer recounts the details of the case for you.
When Recording Bans Leave the Public in the Dark, Illustrators Shed Light
There are still places where cameras cannot go. When high-tech fails, handiwork steps in. Faraz Ahmed discusses the art of court illustration and its still important role informing the public.
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