Sunday Comics
Those who have seen the needle’s eye now tread like a husk from which all that was — now has fled. And the masks that the monsters wear to feed upon their prey…Wandering stars, for whom it is reserved, the Sunday Comics forever.
Paul Berger: Multiplex
A short piece on Paul Berger’s upcoming book, Multiplex.
Sunday Comics
I like people there, the ones who can’t stand — they’re the ones who can’t stand. I see smoke signals coming from them. They say, “we’re all out of Comics, sir.” Stand on your own head, for a change; give me some skin to call my own.
Sunday Comics
The sun is shining slowly, the birds are flying so low
Honey you’re my Sunday Comics, so pay me what you owe me
Encounters with Anonymous: Colour My World
The return: Omar Willey resumes his column on anonymous photography with a digression into the land of color.
Sunday Comics
Solo voy con mi pena, sola va mi condena — correr es mi destino, por no llevar papel. Perdido en el corazón de la grande Babylon; me dicen los Sunday Comics: Yo soy el quiebra ley.
Sunday Comics
The trail ahead is dark and unsound, but I’m lapping it up like a greedy hound. Free at last of the city sounds, free at last to put my foot right down…Something out there is calling me, beckoning me with urgency; Comics, Comics, Sunday Comics.
Sunday Comics
You know it means no mercy, they caught him with a gun. No need for Sunday Comics, goodbye to the Brixton sun…You can crush us, you can bruise us, but you’ll have to answer to, the Sunday Comics.
Encounters with Anonymous: True to Life
Seeing the past, in stereo. Omar Willey’s latest musings on anonymous photographs.
Sunday Comics
Sunday Comics: it fillets, it chops, it dices, slices, never stops, lasts a lifetime, mows your lawn and it picks up the kids from school, it gets rid of unwanted facial hair, it gets rid of embarrassing age spots, it delivers a pizza, and it lengthens, and it strengthens, and it finds that slipper that’s been at large under the chaise lounge for several weeks.

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