Free Thing of the Week: Claude Monet: The Water-Lilies, and Other Writings on Art
The Star’s Free Thing returns with a book about Claude Monet, written by his good friend Georges Clemenceau.
Sunday Comics
Who said mama’s little baby likes sho’t’ning bread? Who said mama’s little baby likes sho’t’ning sho’t’ning bread? That’s some lie some white man up and said. Mama’s little baby don’t like no sho’t’ning bread! Mama’s little baby likes Sundays! Mama’s little baby likes Comics! Mama’s little baby likes all the fine things of life! All the things a good person should have.
Sunday Comics
I’m alone, sitting with my empty glass. My four walls follow me through my past. I was on a Paris train, I emerged in London rain and…you were waiting there reading the Sunday Comics. I remember searching for the perfect words…
Sunday Comics
The hell of Northern Paris – Roubaix (Tour de France! Tour de France!)/Sunday Comics and Saint Tropez (Tour de France! Tour de France!)/The Alps and the Pyrenees (Tour de France! Tour de France!)/Last stage Champs-Elysees (Tour de France! Tour de France!)
Sunday Comics
It’s time to make a mountain out of a molehill, so can I have a volunteer? There’s no more time for reading Sunday Comics, now it’s time for crying in your beer. Settle down, raise a family, join the PTA. Buy some sensible shoes and a Chevrolet; then party ’til you’re broke and they drag you away…It’s OK, you can dare (to be stupid)!
Sunday Comics
Every Sunday has its share of Comics/every woman has a second half/And now it’s samba time for Tambo and Weep Day for Urine Man
Sunday Comics
I’m going under, down under where the lights are low. To a place where all the mutants go, doing things I never did before — Sunday Comics, coming back for more. Little girl with the full red lips, never knew it could be like this! You put me in a situation, goin’ through soft core mutation! Going under!
Sunday Comics
When I drive past the kids, they all spit and cuss/Cause I’ve read the Sunday Comics and they have to ride the bus! So you’d better get out of my way when I come through your yard/Cause I’ve read the Sunday Comics, now eat a tub of lard!
Sunday Comics
Reading Comics on Sunday, I’m reading Comics on Sunday! Ain’t a metaphor punchline, I’m reading Comics on Sunday!
Sunday Comics
I’m Speed Racer and I drive real fast
I’m a big pirate and I like to steal
I’m a Barbie doll, but I got brains
I’m your doctor and here’s the bill
Go! Go! Sunday Comics!

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