The Fifth and a Half Extinction: A Presentation for MoMA
Omar Willey’s presentation last September at the Museum of Modern Art, concerning photography criticism and dinosaurs.
Sunday Comics
Why you rolling waves over me now? That’s all I need…Sunday. Waiting on Seattle to find me, be forgiven — I’ll be a regular guy for you, I never said…Comics. Why’re you looking so beautiful to me now when you’re so sad?
Sunday Comics
How you doing today? Looking into my eyes and your eyes turn grey. Sunday Comics, all talk all sway — end of the week we gonna get paid! It’s a halle-fucking-lujah, now we gonna do ya — “Good good” “Well for goodness sake!” — seen it in your face and your hair turned grey.
Sunday Comics
Skibidi wa pa pa/skibidi wa pa pa pa pa/skibidi wa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa skibidi pa pa/skibidi poom poom ice/skibidi Sunday Comics ice/skibidi poom poom poom poom poom pa pa poom poom/skibidi pa pa
Sunday Comics
We’re your toast, we’re your butter; we’re the comix in the gutter. We’re your respite, when in need; want some joke, without screed. You know us, we’re your friend; your mean joy, thick and thin…Sunday Comics, man.
Sunday Comics
Oh my God you take the biscuit, treating me this way! Expecting me to treat you well no matter what you say. How can I turn the other cheek? It’s black and bruised and torn! I’ve been waiting since the day that I was born…Take the Sunday Comics and fill them up some way.
Sunday Comics
¿Qué voy a hacer? Je ne sais pas. ¿Qué voy a hacer? Je ne sais plus. ¿Qué voy a hacer? Je suis perdu. ¡Sunday Comics, mi corazón!
Sunday Comics
See, I must look and laugh; inside this no head no tale — same water. No light, still day…Shagari himself say,
“the Sunday Comics country is collapsing.”
What Comics Can Teach Us About Ourselves
The “Professor of Comics” Christopher Murray on the power of comics to communicate and educate.
Sunday Comics
You wore white, smiling as you took my hand. So removed, you read Sunday Comics in France. Minutes passed with shallow words, years have passed and still the hurt — I can see you now, smiling as I pulled away.
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