Sunday Comics
All is well, as long as we keep spinning here and now. Dancing behind a wall, read Sunday Comics, and laughter within. All forgiven always and never been true.
Beyond the Image: How Spanish Photographers Albarrán Cabrera Formulate Experience Through Pictures
Spanish photographers Anna P. Cabrera and Angel Albarrán explore time, memory and beauty in their art. Omid Memarian interviews the duo.
Sunday Comics
Tell your teacher I said princesses are evil, how they got all they money was they killed people. Read Sunday Comics, hit ’em back then negotiate a peace contract. Life is a challenge and you gotta team up — if you play house, pretend that the man clean up.
Comics Offer Radical Opportunity to Blend Scholarship and Art
In the search for better representation in world histories, historians are discovering the power of comics. Trevor R. Getz writes.
Sunday Comics
Pick up the bags and get in the limousine. Sunday, we’ll be away from here — read the Comics and wipe that tear away…One sweet dream came true today, yes it did. 1. 2. 3…
Encounters with Anonymous: Blue Notes
Omar Willey returns to the subject of anonymous photography in this latest piece about the blues and the news.
Sunday Comics
But now you make me read the Comics because it’s only this Sunday’s. Well, I’m still fond of you, oh-ho-oh. So, what difference does it make? It makes none.
Sunday Comics
It’s almost Sunday, we should do as before: read Sunday Comics while we’re nude on the floor. It really would be the perfect end to our date — I love you, baby, but God wants us to wait.
Sunday Comics
Too fat! Fat you must cut lean — you got to take the Sunday Comics to the mezzanine, chump! Change, and it’s on, Super Bon Bon.
Sunday Comics
He claims I suffer from delusion, I’m so confident I’m sane. It can’t be no optical illusion. How can you explain Sunday Comics in the rain?
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