Monday Comics
We missed you last week. So here’s a bonus episode of Sunday Comix on Monday.
Sunday Comics
No shame in my game ’cause I’ll always be the same — styles upon styles upon Sunday’s what I have.
You wanna diss the Comics, but you still don’t know the half. I sport New Balance sneakers to avoid a narrow path, messin’ round with this you catch the sizin’ of ’em. I never half step ’cause I’m not a half stepper; drink a lot of soda so they call me Dr. Pepper.
Sunday Comics
Don’t gimme the pretend, you come here on Sunday and you stay for the Comics. You say that you hate it, but that’s how you made it, just to keep it oblique. We’re both high, high, high, high, high on lemon sips.
Sunday Comics
Her eyes…She’s on the dark side. Neutralize every man in sight reading Sunday Comics.
Sunday Comics
She took the car out for a drive, she didn’t come back for the Sunday Comics…Where’s she been? Why’d she go? Why’s she back now? We all know! We know why! We know why!
Sunday Comics
Beyond, up here on the mountain that I climb to lose you, I saw every bit of business that business could work through. I said ask me but, oh, my wisdom departed! Tell me–but, oh, my wisdom departed, but, oh please, at least answer me this–
Sunday Comics
Lost on a Sunday, in the Comics, but there’s no one there to wake her up. And the world is spinning, and she keeps on winning, but tell me what happens when it stops? They go isn’t she lovely, this Hollywood girl?
Sunday Comics
Same thing night after night. Just…repetitive. And the color is really bad — and the themes are just infantile…And you always get what you want — And that’s just not the way life is.
Sunday Comics
Just outside the gate I look into the courtyard underneath the gathering thunderstorm. Through the iron bars, I see the Black Maria revolving slowly on its platform. In the topmost tower, a light burns dim; a coiling filament glowing within1
Sunday Comics
Clocks on the wall talk to watches on the wrist. It’s the moments we relive, it’s the moments like this — when it’s time to get ill we’ll be so ahead of time — it’s the moments we achieve…Best believe it’s the moments.

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