Sunday Comics
The old ramshackle house with the broken down porch and the novelty doorbell? The lights are still on…Zoe plays her music low, she’s got a bottle on the go
Everything’s in boxes it’s been a long night packing. “What the fuck is all this stuff?”
Sunday Comics
I keep my hands dirty, my mind clean. Got a new agenda with a new dream. I’m kicking out the old regime: Liberation, elevation, education — America, you a lie.
Sunday Comics
The virginal brides file past his tomb, strewn with time’s dead flowers. Bereft in deathly bloom; alone in a darkened room? The count.
Sunday Comics
From a cold clod cut in a deep zone, a sunken ship with the ghost on…They put my seat in there, Sunday Comics under the chair hot, tucked in a dope spot, so the chrome tire screech every time we hit.
Sunday Comics
It’s just that I want to say that I live a life in a day. I didn’t have to wait till I was lonely old and gray, I simply read the Sunday Comics for a direction!
Encounters with Anonymous: Playing to the Gallery
Omar Willey returns with his thoughts on anonymous photographs.
Sunday Comics
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal– Zach Weinersmith Ampersand – Barry Deutsch Schemantics – Michael Yu Khartoon! – Khalid Albaih Context Jesus…
Sunday Comics
My optic presentation sizzles the retina; how far must I go to gain respect? Um, well, it’s kind of simple, just remain your own and you’ll read the Sunday Comics enjoyed on the throne.
Sunday Comics
I need my conscience to keep watch over me – to protect me from myself – so I can wear honesty like a crown on my head when I read all of the Sunday Comics.
Sunday Comics
A: Is your Sunday Comics? Would you like us to assign someone to Comics your Sunday? Excuse me…
B: What?

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