Sunday Comics
Congratulations on the mess you made of things; I’m trying to reconstruct the air and all that brings. The Sunday Comics are the compromise you own, but this is beginning to feel like the dog wants a bone. This is beginning to feel like the dawn of a loser forever.
Sunday Comics
My punctuality is well known. When the revolution takes place, I’ll be late and I’ll be shot as a traitor. when the sun rises I will not see. I regret nothing. It was worth it. Going through life without a timepiece did pay off.
Sunday Comics
They’re turning us into monsters, turning us into fire. Turning us into monsters and it’s all desire (it’s all desire, it’s all desire). Sunday Comics, pacifier, sinking soul where you are. Doesn’t make sense to, but it won’t be long ’cause kids with guns — easy does it, they got something to say no to.
Sunday Comics
I’m walking to the something, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. I’m reading too much Sunday; blah blah blah blah blah blah, Comics. I’m feeling really blah blah, I want to blah blah blah collapse. And in the end it means I blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.
Sunday Comics
Drive with the dealership tag, that’s what they love; Sunday Comics on my shoulder, that’s what they love; the smell of new leather in the cold, that’s what they love; Strawhat V-neck t’s, that what they love
Sunday Comics
Being good ain’t enough lately; I ain’t got the strength to read me Sunday Comics. Can’t figure what got me here–I don’t want to preach alone, it’s easy to disappear…But mother I’m good as gold! Am I not your boy? Your child? The kid that I once was
Is dead.
Sunday Comics
And if I see you, it’s like nothing went wrong. Yeah, if we meet again tomorrow, just like Sunday Comics. But there I go erasing our chances just by asking, “How do you sleep?” One step forward. Six steps back.
Sunday Comics
We were going home, waiting for the kids’ school bus to arrive (but you know, they’re gonna do it anyway).
Read Sunday Comics, wait, is that your phone? Got a TBI. “Wait, is that police?” “Get out for what?” “I’m not your guy.”(But you know, they’re gonna do it anyway). Wife behind the trees tryna to tell you don’t — they’re about to fire (they’re gonna do it anyway).
Sunday Comics
You used to be alright — what happened? Did the cat get your tongue? Did your string come undone? One by one, Sunday Comics, they come to us all: “How come I end up where I started?”
Sunday Comics
Hypocrisy. Financially. Stability. Sentimentality. Humanity. Sunday Comics. Simplicity. What does it mean to me? All these words; big English, big grammar…All these words mean so much to some people; to me, it’s all the same.

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