Sunday Comics
First to fall over when the atmosphere is less than perfect. Your sensibilities are shaken by the slightest defect. You live you life like a canary in a coalmine. You get to Sunday, read the comics and then drink wine.
Sunday Comics
I can still find things to laugh about today, but tomorrow makes me cry. And I still want the Sunday Comics, even though it’s the end of the world.
Sunday Comics
All my friends tell me something is gettin’ together, I got a beard that would disappear if I’m dressed in leather. Now let me tell you about my baby, she was born readin’ Sunday Comics, sittin’ in the jailhouse trying to learn some good manners.
Sunday Comics
I dreamt all yesterday how I might make a man feel, the Sunday Comics up to his face! “Show respect to me, I don’t care what you’re thinking, I’ll wipe that thought away!”
Sunday Comics
We know of an ancient radiation that haunts dismembered constellations, a faintly glimmering radio station. While Frank Sinatra sings “Sunday Comics,” the flies and spiders get along together…cobwebs fall on an old skipping record.
Sunday Comics
You drove me up and down the street; you used me up like gasoline. I still remember the Sunday Comics, that’s the reason had to stay away from Claire.
Encounters with Anonymous: Time Passages
Omar Willey pulls a photograph out of a box in his return to photography writing.
Sunday Comics
So how can we be strangers? He’s got no personality. It’s just a clever imitation of the people on TV. A line for every situation; he’s learnin’ Sunday Comics tricks. Havin’ sex and eatin’ cereal, wearin’ jeans and smokin’ cigarettes.
Sunday Comics
All the Norwegians, man, you should see them out in Ballard looking soulful at the pines — and also the Swedes…All of the groovers came from Vancouver and some of them came up from Oregon, in case you don’t know. Viva Seattle Tacoma! Viva viva Sunday Comics!
Sunday Comics
Brukup, it’s Brukup, it’s Brukup, humble like we pon’ the come up! Don’t make it turn into troublŠµ,
’cause we Sunday straight out the Comics!

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