Category: Comix


Why Jet City Comic Show Did Not Suck

Comix has been hijacked by people who have little to no interest in the field itself. Jet City Comic Show was at least a noble attempt to put comics back into comics conventions. Its founders referred to it as a “back to basics comic show” which is a fair description. The concentration was clearly upon comics, comics art and comics artists. It was exactly what a convention should look like.

Comix Culture Media

Second Annual GeekGirlCon Celebrates Female Geekdom This Weekend

Make no mistake, the fact that Seattle is overrun by geekdom is in no way a bad thing. But the need for a geeky, female-centric convention occurred to a few very active geek feminists not so long ago, and last year GeekGirlCon was born. A convention where thousands gather to female geekhood, offering a place for people to celebrate and honor the contributions of women to science and technology; comics, arts, and literature; and game play and game design.