Sunday Comics
I’m alone, sitting with my empty glass. My four walls follow me through my past. I was on a Paris train, I emerged in London rain and…you were waiting there reading the Sunday Comics. I remember searching for the perfect words…
Sunday Comics
The hell of Northern Paris – Roubaix (Tour de France! Tour de France!)/Sunday Comics and Saint Tropez (Tour de France! Tour de France!)/The Alps and the Pyrenees (Tour de France! Tour de France!)/Last stage Champs-Elysees (Tour de France! Tour de France!)
Sunday Comics
It’s time to make a mountain out of a molehill, so can I have a volunteer? There’s no more time for reading Sunday Comics, now it’s time for crying in your beer. Settle down, raise a family, join the PTA. Buy some sensible shoes and a Chevrolet; then party ’til you’re broke and they drag you away…It’s OK, you can dare (to be stupid)!
Sunday Comics
Every Sunday has its share of Comics/every woman has a second half/And now it’s samba time for Tambo and Weep Day for Urine Man
Sunday Comics
I’m going under, down under where the lights are low. To a place where all the mutants go, doing things I never did before — Sunday Comics, coming back for more. Little girl with the full red lips, never knew it could be like this! You put me in a situation, goin’ through soft core mutation! Going under!
Sunday Comics
When I drive past the kids, they all spit and cuss/Cause I’ve read the Sunday Comics and they have to ride the bus! So you’d better get out of my way when I come through your yard/Cause I’ve read the Sunday Comics, now eat a tub of lard!
Sunday Comics
Reading Comics on Sunday, I’m reading Comics on Sunday! Ain’t a metaphor punchline, I’m reading Comics on Sunday!
Sunday Comics
I’m Speed Racer and I drive real fast
I’m a big pirate and I like to steal
I’m a Barbie doll, but I got brains
I’m your doctor and here’s the bill
Go! Go! Sunday Comics!
Sunday Comics
We’re Sunday Comics, man, for Nigel; we only want what’s best for him/We’re Sunday Comics, man, for Nigel, Nigel approves of Commons’ art. And if young Nigel says he’s happy, he must be happy — he must be happy in his world.
Sunday Comics
Everywhere I go it’s Sunday, with Comics far away; and my heart belongs to no one, so now sometimes I pray: “Take the space between us, fill it up some way…Fill it up, fill it up.”

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