Sunday Comics
Know your rights! Number 1:
You have the right not to be killed. Murder is a crime, unless it is done by a policeman
or an aristocrat. Number 2:
You have the right to Sunday Comics.
Sunday Comics
You’ve got a little worry, I know it all too well. I’ve got your Sunday Comics, but so does every kiss and tell who dares to cross your threshold, or happens on your way. Stop laying blame, you know that’s not my thing.
Sunday Comics
Rosenbergs, H-bomb, Sugar Ray, Panmunjom, Brando, “The King and I” and “The Catcher in the Rye.” Eisenhower, vaccine, England’s got a new queen
Marciano, Liberace, Sunday Comics, goodbye. We didn’t start the fire…
Sunday Comics
Now I laugh and make a fortune, ‘cuz the Comics are on Sunday
and a world screams, “Kiss me, Son of God!”
Sunday Comics
Now, I can order in Latin: “make ’em au gratin, Joe!” I’m an old altar boy, that’s why I’m so depressed — I never got to read the Comics on Sunday. Now I’m habitual, majoring in crimes that are unspeakable.
Sunday Comics
Somos viciosos, y queremos molestarlos. Somos chismosos, en la sala lo matamos. Somos operarios de esta máquina banal. En la tormenta, leemos lo Sunday Comics; saludamos con hipocresía al dueño del lugar. Somos residentes.
Sunday Comics
Nineteen tequilas later we had a deal: Havana goes back to the mob, and the Sunday Comics open a chain of Kentucky Fried Chicken shops. Ain’t life sweet?
Sunday Comics
She says she knows my kind, she might, maybe so. Oh, yeah, she’s raised you right, your auntie Grizelda: You only read the Sunday Comics for show.
Sunday Comics
State your case with black or white, but when the Sunday Comics leads to shots, grit your teeth. You run for cover so discreet, why don’t they?
Sunday Comics
Them surround the place, them dey wait. Wait them helmet and them guns, and them petrol and them matches. Then suddenly, them dey break, steal, loot, burn, them break some some head.
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