Sunday Comics
For I’ve got something to help you understand! Something waiting there beneath the sand…My metal detector Is with me all of the time; I’m the inspector over the mine!
Sunday Comics
From the Zulu nation, from a town called Paris. Came to America to find liberty; Instead of finding pleasure, all you found was misery. But listen, Lucien, you have a friend in me.
Sunday Comics
Well, a rat always knows when he’s in with weasels; here you lose a little everyday. Well, I remember when a million was a million…they all have way to make you pay.
Sunday Comics
Am I incapable of healing the memory of my fall from grace in your heart? I’m on my journey home with no fuel, alone…I think I’ll coast a while. I’m not gonna cry; I got more time to give.
Sunday Comics
it’s good to be here gettin’ fly with the raps we love it where we from but we kick it where we at in amongst the pebbles we rocks on your blocks soakin’ in the ghetto for kids that have not
Sunday Comics
Animals in the midnight zone; when you own the world, you’re always home. “Get your hands dirty,” “roll up them sleeves;” brainwashed or true believers?
Buy flash cars, diamond rings and expensive holes to bury things!
Sunday Comics
Yes, but I, I’m a boy…A small story which always happens–I said “ouch! This really hurts!” This could well be, but this has
been practiced for millions of years. Therefore we are–Yes, but, you’re a girl…I lie in my bed, totally still; my eyes wide open; I’m enraptured.
Sunday Comics
I want summer’s sad songs behind me. I want a laugh a minute, without fail; want to be Paul Le Mat in 1980. Looking to forget tomorrow, looking everyday.
Sunday Comics
You come creepin’, actin’ like a friend. But I’ve been warned, your deceit knows no end…It upset me to learn you act this way. Poor thing, it must be hard to be yourself each day.
Sunday Comics
I laughed and shook his hand and made my way back home. I searched for Sunday Comics for years and years I roamed. I gazed a gazeless stare, we walked a million hills. I must have died alone a long, long time ago.

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