Category: Comix


Sunday Comics

Animals in the midnight zone; when you own the world, you’re always home. “Get your hands dirty,” “roll up them sleeves;” brainwashed or true believers?
Buy flash cars, diamond rings and expensive holes to bury things!


Sunday Comics

Yes, but I, I’m a boy…A small story which always happens–I said “ouch! This really hurts!” This could well be, but this has
been practiced for millions of years. Therefore we are–Yes, but, you’re a girl…I lie in my bed, totally still; my eyes wide open; I’m enraptured.


Sunday Comics

I laughed and shook his hand and made my way back home. I searched for Sunday Comics for years and years I roamed. I gazed a gazeless stare, we walked a million hills. I must have died alone a long, long time ago.