Sunday Comics
There are no angels left in America anymore! They left after the Second World War, heading west — stopping briefly in Japan during the 60’s and then in Tianamen Square during the 80s. They kept heading west to who knows where…What are they after?
Sunday Comics
Bacharach and David used to write his favorite songs. Never, never, never would he worry; he’d run and fetch the ball — but the hip hop and the white funk just blew away my puppy’s mind!
Sunday Comics
Democrazy./DEMO-CRAZY/Crazy demo/Demonstration of craze/Crazy demonstration/If it no be craze/Why for Afrika?/As time dey go/Things just dey bad/They bad more and more/Poor man dey cry/Rich man dey mess/Demo-crazy/Democrazy
Sunday Comics
The best ballers pitch in and rub together nickels, but tut tut, he ’bout to change the price again! (It go up each time he blow up like hydrogen.) Villain here, have ’em shrillin’ in fear and won’t stop top illin’ ’til he a gazillionaire.
Sunday Comics
I will take the sun/in my mouth/and leap into/the ripe air/alive with closed eyes/to dash/against darkness/in the sleeping curves/of my body
Sunday Comics
He went and took up with a Salvation Army band girl who played dirty water on a swordfishtrombone. He went to sleep at the bottom of Tenkiller lake and he said “gee, but it’s great to be home”
Sunday Comics
The swimmer knows she’ll never touch the floor. She can float unharmed by murky wars and the land is as plain as her skin but the water shines like the star in her mind.
Sunday Comics
There’s math and there’s dealers and players and killers and me they say that they winners Okay, well, let’s see You pay or you play The rules of the trade The math of the days The times of the age Whatcha want? How you like? Aim high, man, why not?
Sunday Comics
Like two arms, open wide, some you welcome in and some must stay outside…Bowl of rice, bitter tea, Is this all the good earth has to offer me?
Sunday Comics
If all you ever get from the summit is the count of the fall of man, every call and cost made to your heart, you were in the kind of game that put the force in me…I was ever chasing fireflies…

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