Sunday Comics
The virginal brides file past his tomb, strewn with time’s dead flowers. Bereft in deathly bloom; alone in a darkened room? The count.
Sunday Comics
From a cold clod cut in a deep zone, a sunken ship with the ghost on…They put my seat in there, Sunday Comics under the chair hot, tucked in a dope spot, so the chrome tire screech every time we hit.
Sunday Comics
It’s just that I want to say that I live a life in a day. I didn’t have to wait till I was lonely old and gray, I simply read the Sunday Comics for a direction!
Sunday Comics
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal– Zach Weinersmith Ampersand – Barry Deutsch Schemantics – Michael Yu Khartoon! – Khalid Albaih Context Jesus…
Sunday Comics
My optic presentation sizzles the retina; how far must I go to gain respect? Um, well, it’s kind of simple, just remain your own and you’ll read the Sunday Comics enjoyed on the throne.
Sunday Comics
I need my conscience to keep watch over me – to protect me from myself – so I can wear honesty like a crown on my head when I read all of the Sunday Comics.
Sunday Comics
A: Is your Sunday Comics? Would you like us to assign someone to Comics your Sunday? Excuse me…
B: What?
Monday Comics
We missed you last week. So here’s a bonus episode of Sunday Comix on Monday.
Sunday Comics
No shame in my game ’cause I’ll always be the same — styles upon styles upon Sunday’s what I have.
You wanna diss the Comics, but you still don’t know the half. I sport New Balance sneakers to avoid a narrow path, messin’ round with this you catch the sizin’ of ’em. I never half step ’cause I’m not a half stepper; drink a lot of soda so they call me Dr. Pepper.
Sunday Comics
Don’t gimme the pretend, you come here on Sunday and you stay for the Comics. You say that you hate it, but that’s how you made it, just to keep it oblique. We’re both high, high, high, high, high on lemon sips.

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