Category: Comix


Sunday Comics

No, there’s the Sunday Comics; I just get up and walk away. “If it ain’t broke, don’t try to fix…” Well, life’s supposed to be this way. Now everything is going wrong — I think I changed my mind again — I’m not sure if this is a song — I don’t even know what I’m saying —


Sunday Comics

The yam brought it out of the Sunday Comics, manipulated Bill Clinton with desires…24/7, 365 days times two, I was contemplatin’ gettin’ on stage just to go back to the hood see my enemies and say, “Man, where you when I was walkin’?”


Sunday Comics

Seems as if my half baked hot takes, like, “if there is a heaven it’ll be highly unlikely any of our Sunday Comics are there just because of our back catalogues.” are apparently insensitive and a testament to my alcoholic thinking.


Sunday Comics

The old ramshackle house with the broken down porch and the novelty doorbell? The lights are still on…Zoe plays her music low, she’s got a bottle on the go
Everything’s in boxes it’s been a long night packing. “What the fuck is all this stuff?”