Law Enforcement Use of Face Recognition Systems Threatens Civil Liberties, Disproportionately Affects People of Color: EFF Report
Facial recognition algorithms remain biased against people of color. EFF makes a plea for oversight of law enforcement reliance on facial recognition software.
Staying Awake: The Surprisingly Effective Way to Treat Depression
Using sleep deprivation to lift people out of severe depression may seem counterintuitive, but for some people, it’s the only thing that works. Linda Geddes reports.
The First Mobile Phone Network for Indigenous Communities in Mexico Is Under Threat
Mexico’s regulators are threatening to shut down the only community provider that serves rural Mexico and indigenous populations. Jacobo Nájera and Giovanna Salazar report.
Community Broadband: Privacy, Access and Local Control
Community broadband can help preserve access to the Internet and privacy. But is it enough? Nathan Sheard writes.
How Genetic Testing Guided My Breast Cancer Journey – To Eschewing Beef
Dr. Ricki Lewis tells her personal story of breast cancer.
The Birds That Start Fires: Using Indigenous Ecological Knowledge to Understand Animal Behavior
Jeff Atkins talks about the true firebirds, the ones who start forest fires, and why scientists are paying more attention to folklore to understand animals.
What Automated Journalism Looks Like Now and in the Future
Matt Carlson opines on the future where journalism is written by robots using natural language programming algorithms.
The Bigger Battle to Defend Democracy Online
With the big tech companies masters of the world’s new public square, it is vital they work to address anti-democratic manipulation of their platforms everywhere, not just in the United States. Will Wright looks at the new “cyber troops” around the world.
White Supremacy: The Dark Side of Eugenics
Our favorite geneticist Dr. Ricki Lewis takes on the notions of white supremacy, and helps get Stormfront removed from the Internet…possibly.
My Sudden Synaesthesia
Out of the blue, Vanessa Potter lost her sight. As she recovered, her senses mingled – hearing and touch changed the way she saw colours. Her quest to understand why introduced her to new tech that uses sound to help blind people see.

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