Tilapia: Freak Farmed Fish or Evolutionary Rock Star?
Dr. Ricki Lewis digs into the evolution of the odd tilapia fish.
How Seattle, WA is Balancing Openness with Privacy in an Age of Online Data Threats
Sunlight Foundation’s Katya Abazajian talks to Seattle’s Chief Technology Officer about how to balance privacy and open data on the civic level.
Cambridge Analytica:The Outrage is the Real Story
The bitter pill many refuse to swallow shows the difference between the world we think we’re in, and the one we really inhabit. Marcus Gilroy-Ware considers.
Twenty Gene Variants and Transgender Identity: What Does It Mean?
A group of scientists at Augusta University are on the lookout for genetic data on transgender identity. But will genetic testing for transgender identity do harm or good? Dr. Ricki Lewis considers.
Why Good People Turn Bad Online
Meet the scientists finding out how we can defeat our inner trolls and build more cooperative digital societies. Gaia Vince gives you the tour.
Signing Critical Reviews & the Fear of Retaliation: What Should We Do?
How can young scientists be critical when they fear retaliation for their ideas? Hilda Bastian has some thoughts.
How Congress Censored the Internet
The largest network of anti-trafficking organizations were against it. The Department of Justice was against it. But Congress passed SESTA/FOSTA anyway. Elliot Harmon on what the sex trafficking bill really does. Hint: it doesn’t help fight trafficking.
Google Admits Collaboration with Illegal US Drone Murder Program
Big Data + Big Government + Big Spenders = Big Problems. Andre Damon writes.
Geek Squad’s Relationship with FBI is Cozier Than You Think
Geek Squad’s partnership with the FBI has been going on at least 10 years, and probably tramples the Fourth Amendment. Aaron Mackey reports.
Principles, Open Access, & Everyday Choices
When it comes to doing right, it’s not enough to be idealistic. Hilda Bastian considers the dilemmas of choosing between principles and values in open access.

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