Censorship Cannot Be the Answer to Disinformation Online
Banning “fake news” does not solve misinformation, and only makes matters worse. From Jillian York and the crew at Electronic Frontier Foundation.
Thinking About Regulating the Online Space? Focus on Decentralizing Power
Juan Ortiz Freuler considers how to approach that thing lazily called “The Internet Problem” by decentralizing the power of tech giants.
Google’s Sensorvault: Your “Whole Pattern of Life” — Delivered To The Police
Do you know where you were five years ago? Did you have an Android phone at the time? It turns out Google might…
DNA Day Has a New Meaning for Me This Year: I’m an NPE
In the hustle to monetize DNA testing, people forget that NPE can be a life-changing and devastating discovery. Dr. Ricki Lewis tells her own story.
A Privacy-Focused Facebook? We’ll Believe It When We See It
Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg claims consolidating information will lead to better privacy. Gennie Gebhart has her doubts.
How Seeing Snakes in the Grass Led to Primate Evolution
Lynne Isbell considers how ophidiophobia actually helped human beings to evolve their vision.
“Space is About Dreaming” — An Interview with International Space University President Juan de Dalmau
Like Sun Ra said, space is the place. But only if we keep it open and peaceful. Gwenaëlle Lefeuvre interviews the president of the International Space University on how to do it.
Enough of the 5G Hype
Fifth generation wireless claims to be the future of broadband. It isn’t. So why the hype? Ernesto Falcon writes.
The Dangerous Allure of Breech Birth at Home – and a Problematic New Paper
Of midwifery, home births, and hubris. Hilda Bastian considers the problems with breech birth at home.
Who Decided It Was Bad to Be Fat?
Globalization has spread the Western prejudice against fat far and wide. Stephen E. Nash writes.

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