Twitter “Unintentionally” Used Your Phone Number for Targeted Advertising
Your privacy, their advertising dollars. Twitter is the latest to confess using email and phone security information for lucrative gain.
Senate Antitrust Hearing Explores Big Tech’s Merger Mania
The new business model for tech companies isn’t to innovate. It’s to be bought by a larger company. Ernesto Falcon writes.
Science Needs Myths to Thrive
The industrialization of science has made it more “competitive” but the stories that impart values to scientists are getting lost. Andrew George writes.
How to Make Sure the Tech You Use and Build Reflects Your Values
Users and techies both are resisting the misuse of technology. Here’s how to get in on the resistance.
Ransomware Hackers Paralyze Dozens of Towns and Businesses at Once by Targeting MSPs
Cybercriminals are zeroing in on the managed service providers that handle computer systems for local governments and medical clinics.
Stolen Fingerprints Could Spell the End of Biometric Security – Here’s How to Save It
Biometric security is the new thing, but there’s a serious problem with it: you only have ten fingers. Chaminda Hewage writes.
Adblocking: How About Nah?
Imagine an internet without ads. That’s what they don’t want. Cory Doctorow writes.
The Poli-Tricks of TL;DR: The Technical is Political
This post is an edited version of a keynote delivered by Nanjira Sambuli, Web Foundation Senior Policy Manager, at re:publica19 in Berlin. It was first published…
How Science and Genetics are Reshaping the Race Debate of the 21st Century
Vivian Chou writes.
New Treatment for PKU Clears Brain Fog
For sufferers of “brain fog,” a new combination of medicine and gene therapy promises to clear up the misunderstanding. Dr. Ricki Lewis writes.

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