Weekly E-Book: 55 Ways to Have Fun with Google
We give you an excuse to waste even more time using the world’s favorite search engine with this book by Phillipp Lanssen.
The Right to Read: A Dystopian Short Story
A story about the future in which we live now by Richard M. Stallman.
Do databases realize they have student customers?
A rant from the techno-librarian, about the failure of commercial businesses to make their databases usable by the people who actually use them.
Who Gets to Decide What a City Can Do with Broadband Internet?
David Morris explains how states’ rights dominates the discussion about city-based municipal broadband.
Our Digital Future: New report and agenda for copyright reform
Creative Commons passes on this new book.
Why Software Should Be Free
Richard Stallman offers the world his thoughts on why software should be free, as in free speech.
The Death of Fotopedia: Another Narrative
Some thoughts about the failure of Fotopedia.
Managing Your Passwords
Security is yours. Chip Phillips on the beat.
Weekly E-Book: Moebius Noodles
We turn this week to mathematics via the playground. What? Let Moebius Noodles explain it for you.
Weekly E-book: Open Government
What is Open Government? Government 2.0? Our e-book of the week explains it all for you.

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