What’s Really Happening with China’s Great Firewall
Three popular services that allow users in China to view otherwise-censored content have experienced outages over the past few days, a sign of increasing government efforts to limit what Chinese users can read on the Internet. Sisi Wei reports.
Obama Wants You to Have Cheap, Fast Internet, But Many Cities Aren’t Allowed to Provide It
Obama hailed the benefits of an open Internet in his State of the Union address. Here’s what it is and how he’s trying to make it happen.
7 Tips for Women at Science Conferences
Equal respect for women and other non-dominant groups shouldn’t be a touchy subject: it should be a given. Science is international and it has developed many distinct cultural norms for itself. The presence of women is one of them. Hilda Bastian writes.
Weekly E-book: Seeing Ourselves Through Technology
Jill Rettberg explores the meaning of Instagram filters, smartphone apps that write diaries for you, and the ways in which governments and commercial entities create their own representations of people from the digital traces they leave behind as they go through their lives.
No Spin Zone
Telescopes are now discovering Earth-size planets throughout the galaxy, but an astronomer at Berkeley explains why that doesn’t mean they are habitable. Eric Petigura writes.
Zombie Cookie: The Tracking Cookie That You Can’t Kill
An online advertising clearinghouse relied on by Google, Yahoo and Facebook is using controversial cookies that come back from the dead to track the web surfing of Verizon customers.
Black lives must matter more in health research
Racism is not only a social, cultural, political, and legal issue; it is also a health issue. Lindsay Kobayashi reports on the gap.
Four Ways 2014 Was a Pivotal Year for the Internet
At stake is whether the Internet remains a democratic, user-powered network. Timothy Karr explains it all for you.
FCC Sets Deadline for Vote on Net Neutrality
The Federal Communications Commission will vote on new rules and restrictions on net neutrality in February, officials said Friday. Nadia Prupis reports.
German Researchers Discover Security Flaw That Puts Worldwide Network at Risk
Nadia Prupis reports on the big hole in Signalling System 7.

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