Stupid Patent of the Month: GPS Tracking, or Something
The genius of the US Patent system needs constant monitoring. Here’s one example of why.
Outgoing City Councilmember Rasmussen Announces Opposition to Municipal Broadband Plan
Councilmember Tom Rasmussen takes on Ed Murray one last time.
Universal Newborn Genome Sequencing and Generation Alpha
Imagine the day that genome sequencing of all newborns begins. Ricki Lewis contemplates.
Mapping the Sneakernet
Digital media travels hand to hand, phone to phone across vast cartographies invisible to Big Data. An Xiao Mina writes.
The Need for Care with “Thoughtcrime”
When does an online fantasy cross the line into criminal conspiracy? We hope the answer is never. Hanni Fakhoury and Jamie Williams report on the latest attempt to police
The Next Big Drug Discovery Could Come From a Scoop of Soil in Your Backyard
It’s only dirt and dirt don’t hurt–but it might help!
The Latest Findings on Sedentary Behaviour and Mortality
Sitting too long in one place is linked to many unhealthy things. Avi Biswas gives you a summary of the research.
Weekly E-book: The Architecture of Open Source Applications
We get hardcore with this week’s ebook about the design and architecture of open source applications.
Out on a Limb: Dwindling Trees in Cities
Chloe Medosch on why cities should consider reversing the trend of shrinking greenery.
Good to Know: Which Websites Can Reduce Anxiety and Depression?
Hilda Bastian hips you to the latest.

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