What I Learned About Health From Reporting It
Beth Skwarecki writes about some things that reporting on health has taught her to look for when reading
This Is What Happens After You Die
Most of us would rather not think about what happens to our bodies after death. But that breakdown gives birth to new life in unexpected ways, writes Moheb Costandi.
When a Company Drops a Controversial Ingredient, They’re Not Doing It For Your Health
It turns out there are reasons to question the do-good intentions of recent reformulations in the food industry from Pepsi, Chipotle and the rest. Beth Skwarecki writes.
Congrats on the 10-Year Anniversary YouTube, Now Please Fix ContentID
ContentID = broken for years. Time to fix. Amul Kalia reports.
Move Over Shale, Solar Is Shining Brighter With Each Passing Day
Developments show how booming demand and support for solar is shaking up energy paradigm. Jon Queally reports.
Head Rattling Results: Fin Whales Hear with Their Skulls
How do whales hear whale song? They use their heads–specifically their skulls. Kaitlyn Keller investigates.
Study Report, Study Reality, and the Gap Between
We take mental shortcuts about research reports. Hilda Bastian muses on the reality of studies.
Alzheimer’s Disease Update: Gloomy
Tabitha M. Powledge reports on “the coming plague” of Alzheimer’s, with a bit of hope and a lot of data.
Mark Cuban’s Advice a “Recipe For Making All Of Us Sick,” Expert Says
The Dallas Mavericks owner suggests quarterly bloodwork for those who can afford it, as a way of creating a personal benchmark. A national expert on overtesting explains why that isn’t a good idea.
Who Supports Comcast-Time Warner Merger? Follow the Money
Comcast is relying on an army of outside organizations, trade organizations, community groups, and individuals to speak positively about the merger.

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