Uninterpretable: Fatal Flaws in PACE Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Follow-Up Study
Earlier decisions by the investigator group precludes valid long-term follow-up evaluation of CBT for chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Dr. James Coyne reports.
Are Vampire Bats Nature’s Misunderstood Monsters?
Are vampire bats evil or just misunderstood? molneyhamel observes.
When You Work in the Open, Everyone Can Be a Collaborator
Open is not just a word, it’s a way forward. Elliot Harmon details the ways in which an open policy helps everyone.
Internet Companies: Confusing Customers for Profit
Nate Cardozo ponders the greed motive behind social networking.
How Trade Agreements Harm Open Access and Open Source
Closed-door agreements are often hostile to those who want to live and work with open access. Jeremy Malcolm lists some of the ways these problems are embedded in the latest agreements.
The Final Leaked TPP Text: Bad Juju Rising
The TPP text from Wikileaks confirms what a raw deal the TPP is for Internet users and citizens everywhere. Jeremy Malcolm explains why you should fight it.
The Mess That Trials Stopped Early Can Leave Behind
Rumor has it that it pays to be thorough with all those clinical trials. Hilda Bastian contemplates.
1984 Revisited
Former MP for Cambridge Julian Huppert ruminates on just how close Britain already is to Orwell…and Joseph Heller.
Adblockers and Innovative Ad Companies are Working Together to Build a More Privacy-Friendly Web
Adblockers help to secure your privacy. Could an advertising model that actually respects your privacy work together with adblockers? Peter Eckersley writes.
That All-Nighter is Not Without Neuroconsequences
If you’re studying too hard, you may want to get some sleep. Emilie Reas drops science on you.

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