How to Hide from a Drone – The Subtle Art of ‘Ghosting’ in the Age of Surveillance
A little sousveillance training against government surveillance. Austin Choi-Fitzpatrick writes.
The Big Tech Hearings Could Be a Model for Corporate Accountability
Democrats have prided themselves since the 90s on letting big business run roughshod. They need to take the reins. Eleanor Eagan writes.
No One Should Have to Wait Eight Months for a Library Book
Why are people waiting for years for a digital copy of a book from a library? Samuel Hanks writes.
How the Brain Builds a Sense of Self From People Around Us
We don’t just copy the behavior of people around us. We also copy their minds. Sam Ereira considers.
A Quick and Dirty Guide to Cell Phone Surveillance at Protests
Stay safe, protesters. Cooper Quintin and EFF hip you to possible surveillance techniques of crowds in this age of rabid policing.
Algorithms Associating Appearance and Criminality Have a Dark Past
Is AI facial recognition the new phrenology? Catherine Stinson writes.
House Introduces Legislation to Ensure Internet Access for Those Affected by COVID-19
The House has introduced a new emergency bill to guarantee Internet access during the coronavirus crisis.
The Sure Way to End Concerns About China’s “Theft” of a Vaccine: Make it Open Source
Why are US media so concerned that a “stolen” vaccine will cure hundreds of thousands of people? Answer: money. Dean Baker writes.
The Washington Privacy Act: A Bad Privacy Bill Written by Tech Lobbyists
Facebook, Google, Amazon, and Microsoft are pitching their own, weak privacy bills in order to head off stronger laws that Washingtonians really need.
Reflections of a Scientific Humanist
An eccentric review of Michael Shermer’s new book, by Robert Hunziker.

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