Curtailing Mass Surveillance: An Interview with Justitia’s Jacob Mchangama
Strong civil mobilization fronted by the think tank Justitia prevented the Danish government from introducing unbridled mass surveillance. Justitia’s Executive Director tells us how they achieved this.
Wizards of Like
Facebook’s News Feed algorithm is made to serve ads, not please users. Rob Horning drops on you.
“No Cost” License Plate Readers Are Turning Texas Police into Mobile Debt Collectors and Data Miners
Traffic cameras plus Big Data plus credit card machines = law enforcement ka-CHING! Dave Maass gives you the goods.
Full Brightness
Sleep tracking apps report passing dreams as waves. Jacqueline Feldman rides.
Maintaining Real Relationships in the Digital World
Social media has become a fundamental part of life. So what does healthy use of these sites look like? Miles Schneiderman considers.
Psychedelic therapy
Notoriously illegal and synonymous with hedonism, LSD and ecstasy started life as aids to psychotherapy. Sam Wong meets the band of psychiatrists who are looking to reclaim them for medicine again.
You Can’t Destroy the Village to Save It: W3C vs. DRM, Round Two
Cory Doctorow mindfully considers the bad juju of DRM on the Web.
Behold the Anthropocene: The Human-Made Epoch of Nightmares Dawns
From throwing away tons of plastic to spewing carbon into the atmosphere, there’s no question humans have irrevocably changed the world. Deirdre Fulton writes.
Pumas on the Edge of Town: How Human/Puma Interaction May Change the Food Web
With humans encroaching on their habitat, how do mountain lions adapt? Alison Takemura writes.
Where Does Ebola Come From? Communicating Science as a Matter of Life and Death – Part 1 of 2
Ida Jooste gives her account of ebola in Liberia.

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