How Do We Achieve an Open, Secure, Trustworthy, and Inclusive Internet?
The Global Commission on Internet Governance met in Mexico to ask an important question: How can everyone ensure that the Internet lives up to its egalitarian promises? Jeremy Malcolm explores their report.
Racial Bias and Arrest Tech
Of the many disappointing decisions about surveillance, the recent SCOTUS decision in Utah v Strieff disappoints more than most. Jennifer Lynch and Adam Schwartz reveal the racist bias in contemporary street surveillance.
The Women That Kill, Abuse and Torture
Marian Partington is working to forgive Rosemary West – one of her sister’s killers – because she thinks the only way to break the cycle of female violence is to understand it. Katharine Quarmby reports.
The Danger of Corporate Facial Recognition Software
The Illinois biometric privacy statute survived a recent attack. There will be others. What’s at stake? Adam Schwartz schools you.
FBI Wants to Remove Privacy Protections from its Massive Biometrics Database
Jennifer Lynch considers the absurdity of it all.
Broadband Privacy Can Prevent Discrimination: The Case of Cable One and FICO Scores
Neutrality also means more freedom from bias. Harold Feld studies an example in the case of FICO.
The Enemy Within: How Patent Lawyers, Their Media, and the Whole Patent Establishment Became an Enemy to Their Nations
In the patent microcosm — just like the military–industrial complex — a conflict of interests has been created wherein demand is being artificially created for undesirable things, typically for the empowerment of those who are already very powerful. Dr. Roy Schestowitz writes.
Auto Industry Crosses the Line on 5.9 GHz by Using Dead Pedestrians to Justify Spectrum Squatting
Harold Feld investigates the auto industry’s claims about saving lives by stealing public bandwidth.
Stakes are High in Oracle v Google
In this short piece about the Oracle vs. Google case, EFF’s Parker Higgins discusses how fair use isn’t enough.
Eliza Gets Her Gene Therapy
Dr. Ricki Lewis writes of a recent success story in gene therapy for Sanfillipo syndrome.

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