Combating Online Abuse with the Principles of Nonviolent Resistance
Online harassment is on the rise and it’s time to put an end to it. Brian Martin surveys the efforts of online activists as they push back.
Citizen Science: Sonic Kayaks Capture Underwater Sounds and Create Experimental Music
From the frontiers of science comes experimental music — from sonic kayaks. Mary Bates reports.
A Macedonian Comic Strip Encourages Women to Pursue Computer Programming Careers
Encouraging women in tech through comix. Filip Stojanovski writes.
Thoughts on the SeaGL (Seattle GNU/Linux) Conference, Day 1
Our publisher goes to the fifth annual Seattle GNU/Linux Conference and makes some notes.
My Many Selves: How I Learned To Live With Multiple Personalities
Emma Young meets a woman with dissociative identity disorder and discovers what happens when you lose your sense of being an individual.
Life After Death: Largest Discovered Ichthyosaurus Preserves a Fossilised Embryo
Fossils! Jon Tennant sinks his teeth into the latest ichthyosaur discoveries.
What We Do and Don’t Know About Facebook’s New Political Ad Transparency Initiative
Facebook has promised to clean up its political ads. Will their promise hold? Julia Angwin investigates.
Apple Does Right by Users, and Advertisers are Displeased
Advertisers complain that privacy destroys their business model. Andrés Arrieta writes.
Facebook Enabled Advertisers to Reach “Jew Haters”
How Facebook allowed sponsored ads targeted to anti-Semites and racists. Julia Angwin reports.
Why Hackathons Should Insist on Free Software
Richard M. Stallman lays out the principles for a truly community-based hackathon.

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