Facing the Tests of Tolerance: Letter from Egypt
A tale of hope and tolerance from the Christian-Muslim-Christian land of Egypt. I.M. Fletcher writes.
Young Evangelicals Fighting for Climate Action
For students at this top evangelical college, loving God means protecting creation —including dealing with climate change. Meera Subramanian writes.
Living Prayer at Standing Rock
We are more powerful when we live together as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us. Rev. Chelsea MacMillan relates her experiences with the community at Standing Rock.
The Real Story of a Miraculous Stone
Linesh Sheth tells a story of faith and science, and humor.
Hot story: Miami lawyer’s pants erupt in flames during arson trial in court
A Miami, FL barrister was put in the hot seat in court.
Unexpected Encounter: Understanding Globalism as a Political and Spiritual Term
Max Reif finds that connecting politics and spirituality is possible — even on Facebook.
A Middle-Aged Nonbeliever’s Look at God
Why is it easy for some to believe in something yet so difficult for others? Joshua Swainston recounts his adventures in the quest for faith.
Without Meaning To
Kelly J. Baker goes in search of meaning…and keeps right on searching.
The Key Turned
Max Reif takes you on a journey through a psychogeographical India of the 70s.
Breaking Up with White Jesus
Kaya Oakes tries to reconcile spirituality with suffering, and finds race in the way.

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