Can Politics Ever Be Compassionate?
Matt Hawkins considers a politics of giving a damn about other people.
Cheap Tricks With Economic Statistics: The Democratic Version
Lies, damned lies, and Democrats talking about worker income. Dean Baker investigates.
Puerto Rico’s Colonial Legacy and its Continuing Economic Troubles
Why can’t Puerto Rico catch a break? Because we made it that way. Lara Merling reports.
Why Russian Spies Really Like American Universities
If the charges against Maria Butina are accurate, she’s only the latest in a long line of Russian agents to go undercover on U.S. campuses. Daniel Golden explores the phenomenon.
Trade: It’s About Class, Not Country
Talk about tariffs and free trade isn’t a nationalist issue. It’s a class issue. Dean Baker reports.
How Mitch McConnell Made Donald Trump
The president owes both his election and his long-term impact to the Senate majority leader, who not only engineered the strategy that will let Trump make two Supreme Court appointments, but also created the circumstances that facilitated his rise. Alec MacGillis writes.
Seattle 2019: The Nineties on Steroids
Whither Seattle’s erstwhile progressive credibility? Jeff Stevens opines.
Defending Journalism in Turkey’s Climate of Fear
The one and only way to overcome this situation is the solidarity of journalists around the world standing with Turkey. Stefan Simanowitz writes.
Can Anything Bring CEO Pay Back Down to Earth?
If America truly wants to reverse soaring income inequality, curbing CEO pay has to be on the agenda. Dean Baker explains.
A Book Review of A People’s History of The United States
Megan Wildhood takes Howard Zinn on the bus for her latest literary review.

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