Medicare for 64-Year-Olds is a Step Toward Medicare for All
Lowering the Medicare age to 64 offers two very good tests. Dean Baker writes.
Our City Council Endörsements: Seven Sidran Clönes
Here is a slate that will not take it anymore!
Federal Budget: Most Government Programs Fail, But There are Strategies for Success
Why do government programs fail so often to deliver their promises? A lot of it is down to UX. Andrew Graham explains.
End Bloated Salaries in the Nonprofit Sector
The public pays for nonprofit salaries. It’s time to stop. Dean Baker writes.
Fearless Cities: Reinventing Local Politics
For growing numbers of people, new politics means fundamentally reshaping the alienating nation-state-machine. Bertie Russell digs.
A Nonviolent Strategy to Defeat the US Coup Attempt in Venezuela
An open letter to the people of Venezuela on how to resist yet another US pretension.
The Complicated Narratives of the Venezuelan Conflict
Juan Guaidó’s assumption of power plays as a US-supported coup. It’s not that simple. Venezuelan politics from Laura Vidal.
When Politicians Say “Free Trade,” They Mean Upward Redistribution
Touting free trade yet believing in monopolies is the mark of modern politicians. Dean Baker explains what free trade really means.
New York City Could Pave Way for Paid Leave
Workers in every other wealthy country can count on some amount of paid time off. Now New York City is trying to give Americans the same. Dean Baker writes.
The Irish Revolution’s Overlooked History of Nonviolent Resistance
The usual story of Irish nationalism concentrates on violent methods and insider reform. What’s missing is the important story of nonviolent resistance. David Carroll Cochran writes.

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