Weekly E-book: Open Government
What is Open Government? Government 2.0? Our e-book of the week explains it all for you.
An Open Letter to the Seattle City Council: Nonprofits, Wage Justice and The $15 Minimum Wage Proposal
James Watkins gives us more to think about than the City Council apparently has, in this open letter about the minimum wage proposal.
Weekly E-book: Electronic Iran
Niki Akhavan’s book on how Internet and social media are changing the culture of Iran is our E-book of the week.
Franklin High hosts the 1st 15Now National Conference
Raymond Murphy covers the latest in the walk toward a $15/hr minimum wage in Seattle.
Prop 1: Arguments against Democracy
Jon Ravenscroft summarizes his dissent in this short op-ed about the failed Proposition 1 transit vote.
While We Were Sleeping: The Powell Memorandum
A brief history of the shock and awe memo.
Weekly E-book: The Public Domain
Our weekly offering from the Creative Commons is James Boyle’s incisive book about the consequences of the movement to enclose the human mind.
Seattle’s infamous political enforcer Tim Ceis has been hired to salvage the Bertha fiasco. Jeff Stevens gives a short report.
The $15 Minimum Wage: Inevitable?
Don’t take it for granted
Raymond Murphy looks into the $15/hr minimum wage in Seattle.
New Mayor, Old Challenges: Ed Murray Promises Wage Reform and a Model Police Force
Raymond Murphy discusses the new Mayor’s first line of business with the embattled Seattle Police Department: hiring a new police chief.

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