Secret Donors Behind Some Super PACs Funneling Millions into Midterms
Do off-term elections matter? They do to policy makers. Theodoric Meyer follows a story of Super PACs and dark money.
Brother, Can You Spare A Dime?
R.V. Murphy muses on yet another panhandling proposal devised by the wealthy for the poor.
Weekly E-book: Republic, Lost
This week we bring you a nice clean EPUB of Lawrence Lessig’s book about political corruption.
Housing: A Right, Or A Commodity? SAFE Moves Against the Banks, and the Sheriff
Raymond Murphy talks about the finer points foreclosure with two high-profile examples featuring the work of SAFE.
Yelp and Yellowface: Nikkei Protests and The Mikado in 2014
Tamiko Nimura violates some terms of service in this piece about the latest Mikado kerfuffle, courtesy of the dolts at the Seattle G&S Society.
Why We Can’t Have Nice Things: Parks For All and Proposition 1
Raymond Murphy erases graffiti to find the truth behind the new proposed Seattle Parks District ballot measure.
An Open Letter to TPP Negotiators: Copyright Term Extension
An open letter to the dreadmeisters of the Trans-Pacific Partnership from the new CEO of Creative Commons, Ryan Merkley.
Kshama Sawant Has Not Brought a Plague of Locusts to Seattle
The minimum wage proves a bittersweet victory for Kshama Sawant. Raymond Murphy writes.
New Proposals, Old Transit Problems
Raymond Murphy lays out the latest in transportation jiggery-poggery from the City of Seattle.
Interview with Dick Falkenbury [VIDEO]
An interview with Dick Falkenbury, courtesy of Seattle Community Media.

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