Debtors Fight Back at Up-From-Debt Summit
Hundreds of working people crowded a Seattle union hall to seek an end to the nation’s debt crisis. Tim Wheeler reports.
Betting the Farm on a Lie
Estate tax critics never let facts get in the way of a good story. Josh Hoxie reports.
Black America in Crisis: Report Shows Troubling Racial Disparities Across US
Urban League findings are “a clarion call that a more comprehensive, inclusive and on-the-ground recovery is necessary” for minorities across country. Deirdre Fulton reports.
Weekly E-book: The End of Loser Liberalism
Dean Baker’s plea for progressives to reclaim liberalism from ideology with sensible policy is our e-book of the week.
2015 Elections: No More Doormats
This year’s Seattle City Council elections promise to be a true civic game-changer — especially with respect to economic justice. Jeff Stevens considers the nature of the game.
Sweetening Their Own Deal
Michael Jacobson takes on sugar.
FCC’s Latest Net Neutrality Proposal: Pros, Cons, and Question Marks
The FCC could help put some concerns to rest by sharing more details about its proposal with the public. So why haven’t they done so? Corynne McSherry reports.
Twenty-Eight Words of Hate, or Rotting in Hell/Guantánamo
Hell is other people…and Guantánamo. Abby Zimet reports.
FCC’s All-Too-Welcome Move on Municipal Broadband
The FCC take a big step toward preserving municipal broadband. Julia Graber reports.
Enhanced Misinformation Techniques
Why do Americans think torture provides valuable information? Because they hear it over and over on TV. Aldo Guerrero reports.

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