Bern the Feel
David Swanson’s thoughts on the new book by Ted Rall that’s about Bernie Sanders, yet isn’t about Bernie Sanders.
The Precariat: A New Term for Economic Violence
We know about the proletariat, but what about the precariat? Silvia Swinden writes.
We’re All Paying for the Unaccountability of So-Called Experts Who Screwed Up the World Economy
The eurozone crisis stands out as a work of art in the annals of bad neoliberal policy. How did it happen? Mark Weisbrot gives you an excerpt from his new book, Failed: What the ‘Experts’ Got Wrong about the Global Economy.
Nightmares of 1965
As part of their early schooling, Indonesians in the Soeharto era were deliberately traumatized by the state. An anonymous contributor relates her personal tale.
“I Want a World of Peace”: An Interview with Jeremy Corbyn
Amy Goodman interviews Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.
Merry Christmas, Mr. Lobbyist
The good things in the latest budget bill and tax cut package come at far too high a price. Deirdre Fulton reports.
The Unwanted Rider Problem: Republican Plans to Derail Financial Regulation
Dean Baker considers how extraneous riders threaten to derail the latest financial regulation bills.
Trump: America’s First Shock Jock Presidential Candidate
The only thing we will say about the Republican front-runner is in this piece by R.V. Murphy. You’re welcome.
The Fed Competes With Robots for Taking Our Jobs
Why worry about robots taking your job someday when the government is already doing it now? Dean Baker writes.
More Wars, Please…or, Thank You For Making Wars
In the geopolitical Fantasyland of America, more war is a smart idea. David Swanson writes.

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