How Businesses Profit from Israeli Settlements
Israeli and international businesses play a large role in sustaining the settlement enterprise, building, financing, and servicing the settlements, and operating out of them. Shawan Jabarin reports.
Why is Mitch McConnell Picking This Fight?
In the cycle of eternal re-election, ideology leads. Alec MacGillis discusses what’s at stake for the majority leader in the battle over the late Justice Scalia’s replacement.
Is Homelessness The New Reality?
R.V. Murphy considers how the ease of solving homelessness belies its social complexity.
The Conservative Playbook for Keeping “Dark Money” Dark
In internal memos, groups opposing tighter state campaign finance rules coach their local supporters on how to battle disclosure of political donors. Robert Faturechi goes on the trail for dark money.
Why we need young people to create the new politics
Sian Berry considers the future of politics lies in the people who will live in the future: youth.
Dispossessed in the Name of “Security”
A new book, edited by Nick Buxton and Ben Hayes, both involved with The Transnational Institute, brings together a thoughtful collection of scholars, journalists and activists to explain the pre-eminence of the military and corporations in shaping the global response to the climate catastrophe as an ‘opportunity’.
The Human Cost of Puerto Rico’s Limbo
Jennifer Wolff delves into the debt crisis in Puerto Rico.
Sympathy for The Jungle
Seattle’s political establishment wants to eliminate Seattle’s underclass. Same as it ever was, indeed. Jeff Stevens opines.
“I found out about the [methanol] plant on Facebook,” says resigning member of Sustainable Tacoma Commission
“In fact, methanol was never brought to STC’s attention: as a commissioner I and others found out about the plant on FACEBOOK, which is troubling given that we were created by the City of Tacoma to advise it on matters of sustainability.”
Reflections on events in Cologne: “What we need now is a kind of internal mast”
Johanna Heuveling reflects on the appropriate stance to take in the moment when we are pulled by a strong current of opinion.

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