#StopTheBunker – North Precinct Station Doesn’t Make Seattle “World Class”
The new North Seattle precinct bunker continues to be pushed by the council, despite protests. Mark Taylor-Canfield writes.
What the US Can Learn from Scandinavia in the Struggle Against Inequality
Eric Stoner talks to George Lakey, author of Viking Economics about how social movements help establish equality — but only when they’re adventurous and active.
Trans Women and Feminism: The Struggle is Real
At the centre of the troubled relationship between trans women and feminists are the questions of who gets to be a woman and who gets to call themselves a feminist. L.Leigh Ann van de Merwe writes.
The Growing List of How the Copyright Office Has Failed Us
The US Copyright Office is a broken thing. Meredith Filak Rose shows you all the ways in which it has recently failed citizens across the land.
Fixing Obamacare: The Democrats Have to Talk About It
Dean Baker gets down and dirty on Obamacare.
Uncle “Sham” Says “Dance!” …and the Band Plays On…
Gary Corseri returns to the Star’s pages with his latest meditation on war, peace, and patriotic media hokum.
A Nonviolent Strategy to End War
Robert Burrowes considers how we fight reasons to fight.
Berniecrat Incumbents Win Big In Washington State Primary
Berniecrats: coming to a legislature near you.
In the Wake of Brexit, Will the EU Finally Turn Away from Austerity?
What will the EU do to respond to the Brexit vote? Will there be sanctions? Dean Baker certainly hopes not.
What’s a Cop’s Job?
Who are the police protecting: the citizenry — or themselves? Jeff Stevens opines.

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