Environmental Racism in St. Louis
Clark Randall and Jacqui Germain lay out a brief history of the lead poisoning epidemic in St. Louis and questions about its future.
The Kids Are All Right
R.V. Murphy gazes longingly at the youthful spirit of protest.
Nonviolent Action: Why and How it Works
Robert Burrowes offers some insights into the uses of nonviolence and why it works just so.
Dialoguing with Johan Galtung: On Peace and Ukraine; Trump, Putin, Gandhi, and…
[media-credit name=”Kurious” link=”https://pixabay.com/en/ukraine-flag-hand-thumbs-up-sign-643635/” align=”alignnone” width=”660″][/media-credit] Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God (from “The Sermon on…
Welcome to Free Seattle!
Mark Taylor-Canfield calls upon his fellow citizens to hold true.
Election Forecast 2016: Historic Lows
Mark Taylor-Canfield considers the near-complete takeover of American politics by self-satire, and offers the Northwest some hope.
Cannabis Crisis
Ginamarie Emanuel, 52, is the co-Chair of the King County Democrats Committee on disabilities in Seattle, which has not yet voted on these…
Stand Up and Be Counted — Maybe
Provisional ballots, meant to ensure every voter gets access to the ballot, are often tossed out. ProPublica’s Jessica Huseman reports.
The Risks of Hype: Russia and the West
An inflated view of Russia’s power, influenced by its role in Syria, could hasten further destructive conflict. Paul Rogers writes.
How Democracy Vouchers Could Combat Big Money in Politics
Across the USA, voters are pushing for public-matching systems to replace the influence of wealthy bankrollers in elections. Lynsi Burton covers the waterfront.

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